The Signing Celebration

A group of leaders and supporters of Menaul School gathered in the Baca Board room on Wednesday, February 23rd, to celebrate and sign the the new Corio Aspiring Innovators Program agreement. This agreement is a multi-year commitment in support of 23 Menaul School scholarships!
In the style typical of our community, each person in the room introduced themselves and their connection to Menaul School. We should have known we wouldn’t be brief—given the dedication and passion for the school. Every person had a meaningful story to tell about how the school has affected them.
Ron and Michael Corio, representing the Corio Foundation, also shared about their journey that brought them to Menaul. They thanked staff and faculty for their hard work, and expressed gratitude for getting to be a part (we say, a significant part!) of the future success of the school.
125 Years of College-Prep Education
For generations, Menaul has challenged and supported students to reach for their dreams. And from the early 1900s, Menaul School graduates have not only completed high school, but have attended colleges and universities around the world.
Serving Students of All Incomes
Serving students of all incomes is made possible through the generous philanthropic support of individuals, the Presbyterian Church USA and its congregations, businesses, and foundations.
How Will the Program Work?
The Corio Aspiring Innovators Program will identify, recruit, select, and provide financial aid of 60-90% to high-potential students.
In recent years, it has become even more challenging to raise the funds needed to provide greater access to Menaul School. Families who may have dreamed of a college-prep education for their children but agonized because it was not affordable, hope is on the horizon.