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Menaul School has a rich and relevant history that dates back to the late 19th century. What started out as a Presbyterian boarding school for Spanish speaking boys has evolved into a co-educational boarding and day school with students and graduates from all across the world. You are an important part of the amazing history and story. You’re helping to write the next 125 years.

Webinar 1

The First 43 Years

On our first show we explored the first 45 years of Menaul School taking us up to World War II. Rev. Shannon Webster historian and friend of Menaul shared that history through the beloved character of Harper Donaldson, President of Menaul School for 35 years. In addition, we explored the influence of faith in our community. As you may know, the Presbyterian Church started Menaul School. The integration of faith in our education has been a major component throughout our history. Later in the program, John Sitler spoke with Presbyterian Pastor of Chaplain at Menaul School, Rev. Takako Terino and students Madi S. and Alex R. to explore what a faith-based education looks like today.

Webinar 2

The 1940’s and Our Changing World

WWII dramatically changed our world, New Mexico and the lives of so many Menaul School students. Join us as we explore the 1940s and hear firsthand from 1945 Alum, Teresa “Tessie” (Vigil) Lopez about how she and her siblings experienced Menaul School, WWII, and the postwar era. But our story doesn’t end there. WWII and the creation of the United Nations continue to influence us today. We’ll hear more about how Menaul School’s diverse culture evolved out of this era and how the school today utilizes the Model United Nations Club to better prepare students for global citizenship.

Webinar 3

The 1950s – Making College Accessible

The GI Bill made it possible for many Menaul School grads who served in WWII to pursue college and graduate degrees but how did Menaul School inspire its students to not only reach for college, but also make it possible for many to attend the UNM by providing them with campus jobs and boarding. Menaul continues to inspire students to go to college. Chris Schifani, College Guidance Counselor and recent graduates, Angelina Freeman and Luis Alvarado will talk about how Menaul School today has prepared and supported students to achieve their college dreams.

Webinar 4

The 1960s and International Influence

Marked by the civil rights movement, Vietnam War and antiwar protests, the 1960s were one of the most tumultuous and divisive decades in world history, but what was going on at Menaul School during this time period? Join us as we investigate this era through the reflections of Dr. Izar Martinez – Menaul 1952, Faculty 1961-1969, and Superintendent 1969-1972. We’ll also consider the impact of Menaul School being approved in 1966 by the U.S. State Department to receive students from other countries. Ms. Laura Hille, International Admissions Director, will help us understand our international admissions history as well as our efforts today.

Looking Forward…

The 1970s will feature Sports at Menaul School which will air on Thursday, August 26th.

The following is a tentative schedule of future webinars!

September 9
September 23
October 14
November 4
November 18

Please help us create our next episode! Send questions, topics to explore or stories you’d like to share to Melanie Davis, Director of Advancement at or call 505-341-7230.

Register for a future webinar today and share this link with others!

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