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March 16, 2020

Dear Menaul Community,

We haven’t even missed one day of school and I already miss greeting you in the morning – weird huh? I know you wish this school closing was an extended snow day but because of the potential health impact of COVID-19, our most vulnerable population and the long duration of this school closing, we must be vigilant. We know we will be doing online classes for a least the next two weeks. Your teachers are preparing lessons to ensure your education continues.

Basic Instructions:

Your teachers will post instructions for you on Canvas, just like a normal week of school.  Continue to use your planner and to-do lists to help you keep track of due dates and the work that you need to complete, then turn things in online.  Teachers will expect that you complete work by the due dates given.  Work submitted after due dates may not be accepted.   Your teachers want to help you continue your learning and your communication with them will help you to learn what you need to know.   Please email or send a Canvas message to your teachers when you have questions.  (We recommend that you send each of your teachers a Canvas message as soon as possible to let them know you are engaged in their class and are seeing the work that they are posting.)

Wishing you health and learning,

Mr. Gilbert, Mr. Williamson, and Ms. Shuler Misra

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