Registration for Summer Panther Camp 2024 opens January 18th.
Panther Camp Pricing
- Early Bird Special – Panther Camp will be $375 per week if you sign up between January 18th and March 1st.
- After March 1st, Panther Camp is $400 a week.
- Employees of Menaul School receive $100 off Panther Camp pricing.
- Hours: Drop off is between 7:30 am and 9:00 am.
- Pick up is between 3:45 and 4:30. Aftercare is between 4:30 and 5:30 and it costs $10 per day.

Please see a list of weeks below. Kids can attend as many weeks as they would like.
Summer Panther Camp 2024 Themes: Six Weeks of Science
Week 1 – June 10-14: Week of the Stars- Astronomy
Learn about our galaxy, study space travel, identify constellations in relation to seasons, and the history of astronomy!
Monday June 10th: Service Project Day- Cards for Nursing Home residents and workers
Tuesday June 11th: Movie Day with group games in afternoon (Space Jam)
Wednesday June 12th: All Camp, All Day- On campus Activities
Thursday June 13th: Field Trip to Museum of Natural History and Planetarium
Friday June 14th: Prepare for Showcase
Week 2 – June 17-21: The Living World Around You- Biology
(We will be off that Wednesday for Juneteenth)
This week will feature learning about plant and animal identification while also investigating digestion! We will make a life size stomach, do leaf rubbings, make dog biscuits, and extract DNA from spinach!
Monday June 17th: Service Project Day- Make blankets and toys for animals in shelter
Tuesday June 18th: Movie Day with group games in afternoon (A Bug’s Life)
Wednesday June 19th: No Camp due to Juneteenth
Thursday June 20th: Field Trip to ABQ Biopark
Friday June 21st: Prepare for Showcase
Week 3 – June 24-28: I love Rocks!- Geology
Experience the world under your feet! We will collect and identify rocks, learn about the interior of the Earth, and the dinosaurs that used to walk the Earth.
Monday June 24th: Service Project Day- Putting Together kits for homeless
Tuesday June 25th: Movie Day with group games in afternoon (The Lorax)
Wednesday June 26th: All Camp, All Day- On campus Activities
Thursday June 27th: Field Trip to Rio Grande Nature Center
Friday June 28th: Prepare for Showcase
No camp the week of July 4th
Week 4 – July 8-12: What’s the Weather?- Climatology
Discover the water cycle and learn about ancient humans relationship with it. We will also learn about clouds, where rainbows come from, and what meteorologists and storm chasers do!
Monday July 8th: Service Project Day- Make Placemats for Meals on Wheels
Tuesday July 9th: Movie Day with group games in afternoon (Cloudy with a Chance of M.)
Wednesday July 10th: All Camp, All Day- On campus Activities
Thursday July 11th: Field Trip to Balloon Fiesta Museum
Friday July 12th: Prepare for Showcase
Week 5 – July 15-19: The Laws of Robotics- Robotics and Technology
Activities include building robots, making robot arms, driving Spheros around, and learning about the history of mechanics!
Monday July 15th: Service Project Day- Write thank you letters to kitchen and cleaning staff
Tuesday July 16th: Movie Day with group games in afternoon (Big Hero 6)
Wednesday July 17th: All Camp, All Day- On campus Activities
Thursday July 18th: Field Trip to Explora
Friday July 19th: Prepare for Showcase
Week 6 – July 22-26: The Science of Cooking – Chemistry
Experiment with food to learn about the chemistry involved in cooking. We will also be making a recipe book with the kid’s ideas for tasty meals!
Monday July 22nd: Service Project Day- Campus Clean Up
Tuesday July 23rd: Movie Day with group games in afternoon (Ratatouille)
Wednesday July 24th: All Camp, All Day- On campus Activities
Thursday July 25th: Field Trip to Aquarium and Botanical Gardens
Friday July 26th: Prepare for Showcase
How to apply to Panther Camp
- Click on “Register Now”
- You need to create an account in order to complete the application. If you already have an account, click “Application”
- After you create an account, you will receive an email to verify your account. You must click the link in this email before you can begin your application.
- When you create a new student application please select “Summer Programs” under “Grade Level Applied”
- Fill out the required information. When you submit your application you will receive an email with payment information

What makes Panther Camp Different?
At Panther Camp, we believe in the value of play. Whether our campers are involved in an organized game, participating in Pig Yoga, creating their own skits and plays, or listening to a story, the most important elements of Panther Camp are the following:
- Physical exercise and motor skills
- Relationships! Communication and cooperation skills
- Exploration and curiosity
- Problem solving and adaptability
- Imagination and reflection
Kids need ample time that is under-scheduled and that provides choices in order to develop healthy habits. As an alternative to screen or couch time Panther Camp provides a balance of activity which supports social, emotional, and physical health. Students engage in a wide variety of activities without having to specialize in one skill or subject area or rotate from class session to class session.