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Panthers in the Wild: The Looks Twice Family

Panthers in the Wild: The Looks Twice Family

The Looks Twice family traveled back east to celebrate dad Dominic’s 50th birthday. They visited Times Square, the Tenement Museum, the American Museum of Natural History, and rode the subway to other landmarks around New York City. They were overwhelmed by the amount of people in NYC. We stayed in Manhattan, which has an estimated…

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Panthers in the Wild: Rev. Hannah Scanlon

Panthers in the Wild: Rev. Hannah Scanlon

Friendship is one of the most important of life’s gifts I feel incredibly blessed to have remained best friends with my middle school best friend over all of these years. Although we haven’t lived in the same place since we were in college together, we have tried to visit one another throughout our young aduthood,…

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Head of School Retirement Announcement

Head of School Retirement Announcement

Dear Menaul School Community, I am writing to announce that I will retire as President and Head of Menaul School effective July 1, 2023. I have been planning this transition for some time and am retiring to four great personal opportunities. I will have the time to travel with my wife, Laurie, and visit my…

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Menaul Middle School Takes on Storytelling

Menaul Middle School Takes on Storytelling

48 Middle Schoolers – 12 Performances  This week the Menaul middle school went on a journey through storytelling. We were visited by master storytellers Bob Kanegis and Liz Mangaul. They taught students what makes a well told story and why storytelling is so important in history. Students studied the math and science of storytelling along…

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Come Dance and Act with Ms. Parker!

Come Dance and Act with Ms. Parker!

Danielle Parker is an actress, model, and dancer. Danielle Parker has been dancing since she was a little girl. She trained in ballet, jazz, hip hop, lyrical and tap. She has been in several dance performances located in Arizona, with her first one being as early as the age of nine. They include the electric…

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Summer Reading Lists Are Here!

Summer Reading Lists Are Here!

Middle School The Wind in the Willows The Wind in the Willows is a delightful tale of friendship, mysticism, and nature that chronicles the adventures of a lovable mole, an amiable water rat, a wise badger, and a mischievous toad. Set in the idyllic, romanticized world of the late 19th century English countryside, the book…

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Teaching for Artistic Behavior

Teaching for Artistic Behavior

The learning process looks a little different in Menaul School’s Upper School Art classroom. Students are using personal artist journals to think and behave like professional artists.  At Menaul School, a private high school in Albuquerque, students research, investigate, explore, and practice in the pages of mixed-media journals that themselves become unique and vibrant works…

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Spring Update From Chaplain Scanlon

Spring Update From Chaplain Scanlon

April 26, 2023 To the Menaul School Community It is hard to describe my first year as Chaplain at Menaul school, although the most fitting description that comes to mind is that it felt as if this year both flew by and crept along at the same time. It flew by, as the events appropriate…

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Highlights From Menaul’s Latest World Smart Student Exchange!

Highlights From Menaul’s Latest World Smart Student Exchange!

A group of Menaul School students visited Germany this past summer, and were welcomed by our partner institution and the students/families who are a part of their community.  As the second half of this exchange program, we welcomed a group of 14 German exchange students (and 2 chaperones) to Albuquerque from April 2-15th. Thank you…

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Easter Sunday Message from Chaplain Scanlon

Easter Sunday Message from Chaplain Scanlon

The Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) “Brief Statement of Faith” tells us that “God raised this Jesus from the dead… breaking the power of sin and evil.” In the event of Christ’s death, all the workings of anti-life are put to death God judges oppression, hate, injustice, unfairness, pain and evil with a declarative “No.” On…

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